Recognizing Value

Posted by Ricky Thomas on October 8, 2014

For today's blog I've been asked to look over a list of values and choose the ones that come to mind when recalling times where I've felt the happiest, proudest, and most satisfied. Now, there were A LOT of values listed. I chose a top seven and in celebration of Javascript week here they are in Javascript object:

var myValues = {
one: 'creativity',
two: 'nature',
three: 'growth',
four: 'physical challenge',
five: 'will power',
six: 'music',
seven: 'friendships' }

Now these aren't in order of importance because how can you really make that call? But I can tell you everytime that I have created something by putting my mind to it and letting the "creativity" flow, I have felt great satisfaction and pride. In college as an actor I was constantly creating roles and characters. At home I love to write, I like to work on craft projects, and I like to play music. For me, when I've worked on something that is fun and new and I can show it to other people I find myself taking serious pride in those creations. Getting a chance to be creative is always something I get excited about. Whether it's being asked to build a birdhouse for the yard or write a computer program.

I would say that each and every one of these values are something that I try to incorporate into my everyday life and live up to. Sure, there are days when this just doesn't happen, but on the days where I am able to I come away feeling incredible.

In last week's post titled A Very Real Threat 10.27.14 I wrote a little bit about how I lost 100 lbs over the course of 12 months after graduating from college. This is one achievement in my life that I am asked about constantly. How did you do it? What was the secret? Well honestly there's no secret! Just good old diet and exercise. But after looking at some of these values I picked I've realized that each one was included in my daily routine during that time. I would get creative and make exercise routines for me to follow. I would run outdoors and in parks to get my daily dose of nature, growth, and physical challenge. I made friendships with those I exercised with and listened to my favorite music every run. I couldn't have done any of those things without the will power to change. Will power is the key to it all. If you want something bad enough and you are willing to put yourself through the ringer just to get it, I think you can do anything. Anything! You may even find out that the journey to achieving your goal isn't such a ringer after all. I love running now! Which if you knew me in college would come as quite a shock!

In last weeks post I also talked a lot about stereotype threat. After thinking for a while about these values I feel that when feeling stereotype threat or really anything that would bring me down; just going for a run on my lunchbreak can turn my day right around. If you can find an activity that helps you get a sense that you're living up to these values then that can be an incredible tool.
I'm more than willing to keep talking about this with anyone who'd like to. As always thanks for reading.
- Ricky